Cost to Paint a 1500 Sq. Ft. House Interior in Canada

Interior painting includes painting walls, ceilings, baseboards, doors, casing, etc which affects the cost. All of the surfaces are checked thoroughly and cleaned, repaired, prepared, primed, and painted. Most of homeowners like to paint walls and ceilings whilst least of them like to paint every surface of the interior. Ceiling painting is a difficult job, that’s why we calculate it separately.

Walls are the most important and standard paint job, costing $1-$3 per square foot assuming ceilings are 9ft, for your 1500 square foot house, it will be around $1500 – $2000 on the high side, it will be about $3000 -$4500.

In combination with your 1500-square-foot interior, the price for door trims and frames will be about $1000-$1500; many factors can increase the price.

Ceilings start at $0.75-$2.50 per square foot; for the low end, it would be $1000 and $1800 on the high end.

Closest are $75 for a small closest and $150-$175 for a walk-in closest

It would cost about $4000 for the low end and about $6000 for the high end for a 1500-square-foot home to add all of these elements together. There is an extensive range compared to smaller-scale dwellings. It is important to note the variables that come into play when making a final cost decision.

What affects the prices for your 1500-square-foot home

Furniture: It will cost less for the painter’s setup if you can guarantee that everything will be empty or pushed in the middle.

Time frame: If you need it done sooner, it will cost more, because the paint company has to allocate more resources, effort, and time to make the deadline doable.

Size of job: More the size, it will cost more. It takes more time and work for prep to paint.

Number of Colors: Since you’re only using two colors, your price will be lower than if you used four or five colors.

Don’t use cheap paint because it will take the painters more time to finish the job and Benjamin Moore is mid to top line.

The price of plaster walls is more than the price of drywall due to prep. It’s a good idea to find out what type of walls you have before hiring a company.

With a solid foundation on the price range and additional factors that come with a paint company, you must consider the painter’s perspective and see how difficult their job really is. 1500 square foot home is average, but not all houses are the same. Certain tasks require more skill and the right person for the job can lead a paint company to scramble for the right person and end up costing more.

If you reside in Edmonton and need some help figuring out the interior painting costs per square foot, don’t hesitate to call us! We will help you pick the colors you want and show you the latest painting and home renovation trends. Our home painting services with the best pro painters have been around now for over 15 years. Call (780) 800-2022 or email [email protected] for a FREE quote for your home painting needs.

By: Royal Painters of Edmonton. (Painters Edmonton)