How to Enhance Your Reception Area in Edmonton?
The reception area is an oft-overlooked but important space for any business. It can say a great deal about a company’s values, how it operates as well as the types of people who work there. In addition, it sets a tone very early on and provides first impressions which can be crucial to a company’s success or failure. Therefore, it’s pretty important to make your reception area a nice place in which to be. To help you in this important task, we’ve put together a few tips that should prevent potential customers or employees from doing an about-turn and running for the exit upon arrival.
Many companies display their name or logo prominently in their reception area. Although this may seem rather useless, seeing as most visitors with sound minds know where they’re going, it can actually provide newcomers with a personal introduction to your company. Your brand and corporate identity will be reinforced at the same time.
Seating is a really big deal when it comes to best, especially in a commercial context. Having somewhere for a visitor to sit while they wait is a no-brainer of course. But be sure to arrange the seating so that their backs aren’t against a door or full-length window – such features can induce feelings of vulnerability. Instead, position chairs against walls so that they add support and instill a sense of security and support.
As mentioned, your reception area reflects your business, so include natural items like plants that symbolize growth and vitality. Live plants and flowers are particularly useful in this regard although steer clear of cacti due to their prickly undertones. If you really want to take things a step further, place your plants in the south-east corner of your reception space – this is known as the ‘wealth area’. Feng-Shui advocates are also keen on water due to its life-giving properties and soothing nature. Fountains or aquariums that encourage the constant flow of water can prove rather effective.
Part of the clutter-free principles, errant cables running this way and that are going to make any space, not just your reception area, feel busy and cramped. Cables, like any kind of clutter, can disrupt a clean flow of energy so be sure to hide them away to improve the sense of organization and energy flow.
Ensure that your reception area is well-lit. Lighting is the strongest manifestation of energy so try to allow as much natural light in as possible. Try to get the balance right with artificial lighting through – a reception area that’s lit too brightly may seem rather imposing and garnish.
Consider adding decorative features such as wall-paintings – art can significantly improve the energy of any space. Paintings that include water might be a good idea although avoid those which depict violent thunderstorms because of their obvious implications.
Did you enjoy reading about the ways to improve your reception? Well, contact us, if you’d like to learn more from Painters Edmonton.